
In English

Hatha Mudra Yoga

Who am I? What is the nature of my world and how should I act according to it


Combining the use of Mudras with the practice of Hatha Yoga, Daniel offers the perfect intro for those who aren’t sure what yoga to practice.

  • Hatha: Practice, practice, practice.
  • Swara: The flow of air in one or two nostrils, also means sound or tone. Our thoughts will use swara, following the breath, understanding prana, vayus and koshas - This is breifley an introduction to pranayamas
  • Mudra: We will explore the Hasta (practice with the hands), the Kaya (body attitude) and Mana (head, eyes, etc) Mudras
  • Mantra: Why learn sanskrit names and repeat posture names as we practice

What more

Let there be no doubt, this is a fun class first and foremost. Adapted for beginners and perfect for spiritual seekers. Their may be occasional guest co-teaching in this session. This includes Kundalini, Viniyoga, tantra yoga teachers, etc.


There are no prerequisites. Yet, a short meeting with the teacher prior to class is welcomed.

After this session

Students will have received by email “yoga practice sheets” so that they can carry their practice at home. In addition to this, they will have made their mind up as to whether yoga is for them and which one.


Daniel Gauthier is a hatha yoga instructor with over 500 hours of teaching experience. He started his spiritual journey over 30 years ago. He touched Taekwondo, TM, polarity, kundalini and even Bhakti before he stoped searching. He was initiated to Nadis Yoga on May 4 1978. He blogs, does mandalas and is of service to others.


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