Anne Archambault | ||
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Interview Web Radio | |
Sur les ondes de la radio Yocomo, je discute de yoga et tout particulièrement de yoga adapté pour toutes les personnes. |
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In English: Anne Archambault | |
Anne Archambault holds a Bachelors Degree in Recreation Therapy from the University of British Columbia and a Masters Degree in Education from l’Université de Montreal. She teaches in the Applied Human Science Department at Concordia since 2000. She has worked with people of all ages who have special needs, particularly people with Alzheimer disease, traumatic brain injuries and CVA’s. She teaches yoga to people with limited mobility among which 80% are individuals in wheel chairs. Through her work Anne meets and teaches yoga with people who may have had a cardio vascular accident, traumatic brain injuries, multiple sclerosis, young and older people. Anne's expertise is vast. She will tell us all about herself and her yoga path, how yoga can be enjoyed by everyone, how care givers, yoga teachers support the process. She also encourages more yoga teachers to open their class to a diversified clientele. In this interview, Anne Archambault shares with Yocomo Web Radio her view regarding:
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