InfoLetter | |
Official Launch of the Non-Profit organissation: YP-S.Yoga | |
Welcome to our world - Info letter | |
Official Launch of the Non-Profit organissation: YP-S.Yoga | |
Discover YogaPartout-Satoshi.Yoga | |
Welcome to our world
This invite is about launching our non-profit organisation | |
Both ecosystems are independent of each other. Sometimes we share images and knowledge, yet, we are self-sufficient and one can live without the other. |
This is the invitation - | |
Join us via this short url on Bit.LY -]
Invitation2 | |
Tell us more about yourself | |
Remember Certain fields are a must |
Multipurpose Form | |
for | |
all enquiries including | |
* Our Crowdfunding Campaign
* Submiting an article
* Fill up this multifunctional form bellow if you want us to add your envent on our calendarYou speak french?Click here for French - Espace en Français You Speak Spanish? Habla Castellano/Español?Our Spanish space is not opened yet. Sin embargo, usted puedes utilisar este pagina para submitir su contenido en Español |
You can use this form for navigational problemsTell us more about yourself - Communication - Submit a bug report |
For other ways to contact us, see bellow | |
Remember So that we can reach you without having you to communicate your vital and sensitive data about yourself, please use the form bellow to set up a meeting. We do not share any of the information you provide to us, it is our promise. |
So that we can talk, meet, communicate with you | |
180 Character(s) Remaining
Book an appointement | |
If you want us to call you | |
please use the Calendly system bellow. | |
On the boiler | |
Here is a list of what we're working on | |
Terms of Services | |
Become a member | |
Some stats | |
7% of our users used our site with the idea that yoga will make them look different. 11% choose of our visitors admit that the they thought they could solve their problems by looking in their past. Only 31% think that material wealth can bring hapiness whereas 33% invested in their job to forget about their problems. The recognition about who we are gets 49% and a stunning 67% want to be liberated. The big qualities and actions that are of utmost importance among our members are Health (97%), Energy (103%) and __Harmony wins the popularity survey with 113%. |
How we got those numbers | |
Since it's beginning, back in 2008 when we started our community, in order to register, all users had to answer a questionaire by checking which of the key words they associate with. We have, today, gathered over 12,000 responses through our french site.*
Nous pouvons partager les 39 choix de réponses pour les personnes qui souhaitent en apprendre davantage. |
What if we were yesterday | |
We found, while building this portal a page that is dated 2014. Bizarre since we say out-loud that we launched this community in 2008. If you speak french or wish to visit our alter ego, just 'go to this page'
In closing | |
Since the usual registration system is closed, here bellow is an alternative |
Register via our multifunctionnal form if it isn't already done | |