Interview on BTR by Michèle Meiche
My inspiration
A true gate opener
Tks for all of what you do for humanity
On May 25th, 2011, 2pm PST a one on one interview with Michele took place
Thanks to
Suggested title: yoga en francais
YogaPartout (pronounced: Parr Too) dot com: Yoga en français. An Afternoon with Daniel Gauthier from French Canada
Daniel Gauthier's official web site launch about Yoga (Yoga Partout means Yoga Everywhere) is a collaborative CMS Groupware. It is a wiki plateform where everyone is welcomed to add their two cents.
Daniel is a symbol analyst (see bellow in interesting links about definition). Many listeners and Michele too is a symbol analyst as per the author Robert Reich.
In a short explanation, a symbol analyst is someone who masters more than two fields of expertise. Daniel makes a film, using internet technology and his film is about yoga.
- Daniel studied film production when he was 19
- Daniel holds some university education in administration/ marketing (certificate HEC)
- Daniel completed a College diploma in Information Technology as a system analyst
- Daniel is a certified Yoga Alliance teacher
- Daniel speaks more than two languages (Hablà espanol!
- Daniel has passed several tests to see if he is normal (people around him had doubts about his learning capabilities) and it turns out that his IQ is above average
- Daniel is a multi diciplinary person. Learns fast... forgets fast
AND, Daniel is a very poor in math and logic (one has to be true about himself and portray reality of the three worlds).
- Daniel continues his studies in yoga with a master in India (Hooray for Skype!) in Jnana yoga
- Daniel meditates and learned psychic healing and considers Bob Moore as his second real master (first one is always the mother, isn't it!)
- Read Daniel's testimonial
- This is where he met Jim Gilkeson
- Read Daniel's testimonial
Most proud of
The use of Facebook other than chatting, playing and do a lot without accomplishing anything. See splash screen
In my own opinion (IMOO): This page is a nice example of my writing
How did it begin?
For BTR's interview purpose, it all began in 2008, when his mother passed away on July second. Daniel inherited his mother's trait of characters (not to be afraid any more... or almost). Daniel felt his calling: Coming out of the closet... in regards to spiritualily.
In truth, when did it really begin?
Daniel's spiritual path began early in age.
Here is his spiritual resume in French
Here is the BabelFish translation!
A film about Yoga
The day his mother passed on the other side is the same day that Daniel started to teach yoga. His first *Class*. He was not going to cancel the scheduled course, he was going to offer it to his mom.
Then what?
Not quitting his full time job, he became more absorbed in creating a space where spirituality for him and others could grow further.
Then came about the idea of *not wishing any more anything* from that moment on.
Daniel wrote and meditated. After a lot of thinking... about his life about his so often failures to complete and make a real difference in the three worlds, Daniel came up with a re-newed mission for himself. To produce, to write, to make the film he was unable to do when he was younger. He wrote and published his film synopsis in May of 2009 (roughley translated. It's like a Desiderata for him. He wished it so much that it took shape and became the beginning of a web TV broadcast.
Then where is your next destination
Daniel's next destination is New Orleans at the Swan River Yoga Mid City studio. Daniel spoke over the telephone with them and he senses it is worth travelling all the way up to mid-USA from Montreal to go and meet and interview people out there.
Daniel's theory is that when Yogananda travelled from Boston (we have records of this, in writing) to California, he may have stopped and do a *short stay* in New Orleans (we have no records of this. This is an hypothesis).
Examples of a failed attempts
While progressing in doing this documentary, Daniel found a lot of closed doors and deception from people who said they would help.
The launch of his web site was reported three times.
- First time: December 25th 2010
- Just unable to master the wiki tehnology he choose for his web tv concept (see
- Second time: February 14th (13th in fact) 2011
- Came out of this launch postpone a french and english interview with a yoga Swami in Miami
- Unlisted interview - Must see for the chill in your back - Interview in English: YogaPartout rencontre Swami Jyotirmayananda: une entrevue exclusive: Le Yoga Integral
- Came out of this launch postpone a french and english interview with a yoga Swami in Miami
(Question: Many people watched the clip and reported this: When Daniel greets the Swami into the room (Daniel is facing back the camera), Daniel goes with a: OOOF!. Many people have reported to feel a chill in their spine go up to Ajna cakra. Do you feel the same?)
OUTCOME of this failed exercise
Going to New Orleans as I found a yoga teacher who is willing to help me do continue searching for the origins of yoga. Then I'll be heading to the Yogananda Ashram in California.
Now that the web site is launched, what's next?
Daniel would like to invite Awakenings Radio's listener to play a game.
What is the *spiritual game* does Daniel wants to invite listeners to play?
Here it is one of the many synchronistic story Daniel has experienced since he came out of the closet.
Let's play
See in French the same will be prepared before May 25th show in English
Books Daniel read and re-read
- A shelf full of yoga books, anathomy and so on (Iyengar, Patanjali, Maréchal, Kundalini, Satyam, etc)
- Alice Baily
- Rudolf Steiner
- Sun Tzu in the Art of war
- C.W. Leadbeater
- Most influential business book: In search of excellence by Tom Peters
- Classic: Radionics and the Subtle anatomy of Man by David V. Tansley
In French
- Less yoga books in French, yet, quite many there too.
- Erich Fromm dans l'art d'aimer (German author)
- Georges Barbarin et son ouvrage La clé, a *Must*
- Marcel Gagnon: Être - tu es un être unique
- Jean Monbourquette on How to forgive
- Arnaud Desjardins and his lovely wife Véronique
- Le Petit Prince from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (Daniel thought he was a real saint for many many years)
Other notes for Daniel to remember
Well, one is never too prepared for a radio show. Yet, we prefer to rely on spirit and intuition
Interesting links
[+]Watch this YouTube
Integral Yoga
To all Awakenings radio listener
Michele, see the yoga interview (in english in the middle of the clip) and more specifically the "WOOFFF" I pronounce when that Swami enters the room. Afterward tell me if you feel something. I did, BIG time. This man was simply *glowing harmony*:
Here is the video clip
Hum, candies
This video was the English interview I did in both French and English. You'll love it.
Let the child in you express itself :-)
Tks to Swami in Miami
Interesting links
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