Official Launch of the Non-Profit organissation: YP-S.Yoga
This infoletter is the Official Non Profit YP-S.Yoga page that was published in October of 2023
Welcome to our world - Info letter
Official Launch of the Non-Profit organissation: YP-S.Yoga
Discover YogaPartout-Satoshi.Yoga
Welcome to our world
In this infoletter, participants invited were asked to share via the daily Podcast why they support this Yoga Initiative so that we can properly continue to make our planet earth a good place where se can live peacefully.
This invite is about launching our non-profit organisation
Both ecosystems are independent of each other. Sometimes we share images and knowledge, yet, we are self-sufficient and one can live without the other.
This is the invitation -
Join us via this short url on Bit.LY -]
Tell us more about yourself
Certain fields are a must
Multipurpose Form
all enquiries including
You speak french?
Click here for French - Espace en Français
You Speak Spanish? Habla Castellano/Español?
Our Spanish space is not opened yet. Sin embargo, usted puedes utilisar este pagina para submitir su contenido en EspañolYou can use this form for navigational problems
Tell us more about yourself - Communication - Submit a bug report
For other ways to contact us, see bellow
So that we can reach you without having you to communicate your vital and sensitive data about yourself, please use the form bellow to set up a meeting. We do not share any of the information you provide to us, it is our promise.
On the boiler
Here is a list of what we're working on
- Your here
- The Governance Space is now our first item on the above menu items. We invest big on this concept of DAO
- The sub directory, a natural 'next step' is to host an Un Conference
- Brigning the world of Yoga (this sanskrit name means Union) on the Web 3.0 Blockchain is the natural next move. Welcome European Yoga World
- And just like the Governance (parent directory) has a child, the European World of Yoga has a child too in the Organising process of the Un Conference (crossing our fingers that if we build it, they will come)
Become a member
Some stats
7% of our users used our site with the idea that yoga will make them look different. 11% choose of our visitors admit that the they thought they could solve their problems by looking in their past. Only 31% think that material wealth can bring hapiness whereas 33% invested in their job to forget about their problems. The recognition about who we are gets 49% and a stunning 67% want to be liberated. The big qualities and actions that are of utmost importance among our members are Health (97%), Energy (103%) and __Harmony wins the popularity survey with 113%.
How we got those numbers
Since it's beginning, back in 2008 when we started our community, in order to register, all users had to answer a questionaire by checking which of the key words they associate with. We have, today, gathered over 12,000 responses through our french site.*
Et dire que ces statistiques proviennent des personnes qui se sont inscrites à YogaPartout en jouant à un jeu simple: Choissez les mots clés qui vous parlent le plus.
Nous pouvons partager les 39 choix de réponses pour les personnes qui souhaitent en apprendre davantage.
What if we were yesterday
We found, while building this portal a page that is dated 2014. Bizarre since we say out-loud that we launched this community in 2008. If you speak french or wish to visit our alter ego, just 'go to this page'
Unfortunately, the registration system with the game is currently closed due to an abnormal number of false registrations. We wish to re-establish the questionaire soon. Having said that, since we're opened in every sense of the way, it is possible to share screen with you so that you can validate our statements by yourself by writing to:
In closing
Since the usual registration system is closed, here bellow is an alternative